You gotta love the deep-dish Chicago style reporting that
columnist John Kass of the Tribune keeps serving up. His assessments of the political realities of the Windy City’s
hardball political culture skip over the Washington nicey-nice. When somebody’s gotta eat it, Kass
doesn’t skip the condiments.
When describing how Harry Reid got to chew on his own words over the Burris appointment, thanks to Rod Blagojevich, Barack Obama, and Burris himself, Kass goes right to the heart of what’s being served up:
That's how you used to operate. You're from Nevada, but Obama comes from Chicago. It's sure got to be difficult to eat a big hunk of humble pie when your lips are stinging, but here's some advice, Senators.
Have another slice. There's plenty more.
(See Memeorandum for comment)