Idea #6- Speak out against junk science on global warming.
Let your friends and your newspaper editor know when you spot dubious 'doubters' in the press or on the media.
Organizations with official-sounding names like the Competitive Enterprise Institute (see their site: are actually front organizations for industry-funded ‘science’ that denies the severity of climate change. For example, CEI has received $2,005,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998. CEI spends its cash to spread disinformation about global warming. Their 1997 annual report said:
"As the United Nations prepared for an international conference in Kyoto, Japan to craft an international treaty to suppress the use of fossil fuel energy, CEI's work demonstrated why people have more to fear from global warming policies than from global warming itself."
CEI recently ran television ads to counter the documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth.” The tag line, which could be parody if it weren’t deadly serious, refers to CO2. While environmentalists worry about rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere, CEI’s ad says, “We call it life.”
Mother Jones magazine found some 40 ExxonMobil-funded organizations whose mission is to undermine mainstream scientific findings on climate change or maintain affiliations with “skeptic” scientists. This PR machine helps distort mainstream coverage of global warming in the press.
Speak out against this kind of distortion when you see it.