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It is actually quite possible to line dry your clothes if you live indoors as there are all sorts of apartment-sized foldable drying racks made just for city-dwellers.

I'm a student at Pomona College in Claremont, California and recently spent a good amount of time looking into the various clothesline and drying rack options since Pomona is going to purchase some for student use and I wanted to make sure we purchased the best available option.

In my research, I was shocked to find that there is NO good website explaining all the different clotheslines and drying rack options, so I made my own! It's a wiki page on the Tip the Planet sustainable living wiki that ANYONE CAN EDIT. You can check it out here:

I'm trying to spread the word so that the site becomes a clearing house for drying rack information, and people have to spend less time scouring the web for the best products. Have a look, share it with your friends, and by all means add your wisdom!

Take care,


Great Wiki page, Chelsea.

Who knew there were so many ways to dry clothes?

I hope anyone looking for info on clotheslines, drying racks, etc. will check it out.

x-ray fluorescence

yeah great ideas.But how can it possible to save planet by drying our clothes????..

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